Since I have enjoyed reading so many interesting blogs in the last few months and have learned so many terrific things from all the talented ladies, I have decided to jump in and start my own blog. A huge thank you to Char Sethsman at the Pickled Pepper Patch - you have truely inspired me.
I've always liked the primitive look and now use the internet to connect to others with a similar outlook & decorating style. The more worn and used something is, the better I like it.
The name of this blog comes from way back in my past. I grew up in Upstate NY on a farm with 160 acres. I was lucky enough to grow up out in the country, in the same home that my Mom grew up in. My Dad was not a farmer, my parents rented out the farmland to a cousin who grew crops on the land. Attending auctions was a past time of my Mom and Dad's. One summer day Dad and I attended an auction "downtown". The auction was the accumulation of a lifetime of household "junk". Dad and I were having a good old chuckle over all the items being sold and commented several times "that should have been thrown out - who's going to buy that?" Up for auction comes a very large chore/utility basket with the entire bottom corner missing. At that point in my life (maybe I was 12 or 13) I certainly didn't want an old basket with a HUGE hole in it! I think about that day often, wishing I had that basket today in my home. It would fit perfectly and I could imagine all the work that the wife accomplished during her lifetime using that basket; carrying laundry to the line, picking apples, digging potatoes, hauling feed to the animals. Someday I will find a similar basket at an auction or antique store and it will grace my home. Dad isn't here anymore, but hopefully he'll be looking down from above laughing and saying "Why didn't someone throw that out?"
10 hours ago