What a week! We didn't have school on Monday due to President's day. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday we were cancelled due to bad weather and Wednesday our youngest missed due to illness. He was actually sick all week, so maybe it's a good thing that school was closed - he didn't miss much in the way of school work. I must have cabin fever because I'm ready for Spring. 
I had to put out a few of my Spring things and create some new ones while we were home.
I found the greenery in the above crock last weekend and wish I would have purchased more. I'll have to see if I can get some online.
The cute little rabbit is from an online tutorial from my friend Cathy of Tolentreasures. You can find the directions for this rabbit here. Cathy's directions are superb and very easy to follow. The whole creation time was minimal. If you don't want to make one, Cathy has them for sale as well.
I purchased this standing blackened beeswax rabbit at an online yard sale on Face book. Kim Nein made this and it's way too cute. Unfortunately she doesn't have any more left - I wanted more after I received this one.
Since Kim didn't have any more, I thought I'd try my hand at creating my own. I've used beeswax to cover pillars and tapers, but never molded it. Because I never throw anything away, I had Easter candy molds from when I was in high school. Never used them since way back when, so now they are dedicated to wax. I made some 3 dimensional eggs - I had to "glue" the sides together with warm wax and a standing bunny. He's not 3D, just a flat back.
I'll be giving away an Easter Basket in March. Check back with me on March 1st to see how you can win.
Have a great weekend ~Ann