For a very long time my favorite style house was the saltbox. I think it is in my genes to love that style house. My ancestors were some of the first to settle in this country and several of them built saltbox homes that are now either museums or historic homes. I just love the plain, simple look. Lately my taste has shifted to the more primitive rough-cut log cabin. Wouldn't a hearth like this one be the greatest thing ever? Salt glazed pottery on the mantle, a beaver pelt drying on a willow frame by the hearth, maple syrup boiling down in a kettle over the fire and whitewashed walls. I must admit that I don't want to skin the beaver and tan the hide, nor do I want to make every family meal over an open hearth fire, or many other things that the early settlers did, however this look is perfect. Outside view of this log cabin. It is a new cabin, built at Historic Sauder Village, representing the French fur trader that might have established an outpost in this area to trade with the Native Americans. Love the windows! The inside includes the above hearth in one large open room. At the end opposite the hearth is the "store", a mini general store where the bartering and trading went on.
End view of the Trader's cabin...
Another favorite of mine, a two story log cabin that houses the broom makers at Sauder Village. My family might fit better into this cabin!
While I still like the salt box and sure wouldn't turn one down, I think the prim cabin is now my favorite dream house. ~Ann
Have you been to garage sales yet this year? I stopped at one that had a free box and in it was this 100% wool sweater. I looked at it, proceeded to look at everything else she had for sale and just couldn't leave with out it. First photo is after felting in the washer and dryer. I knew I wanted to try my hand at making a purse out of it. The raglan sleeves did have me a little stumped as to how to proceed. Cut apart...
Finished purse! I used a sleeve for the handles. The stitching is not blanket stitch, but just a simple over the top stitch. I had the 5 buttons in my stash and lined it with osnaburg that I had on hand. The yarn was another garage sale purchase - a wallet breaking 25 cents! I couldn't believe that the yarn was a perfect color match to the stripes in the sweater.
Hope this spurs your creative juices the next time you see a 100% wool sweater, take it home and see what you can come up with. ~Ann
I can't believe that the whole month of May went by without me commenting on my blog or reading any of your blogs! May brought with it the season opening of Historic Sauder Village, where I work as a costumed interpreter in the basket shop. Since our school doesn't get out until the end of May I was working 6 days a week - 5 in school and one on the weekend at Sauder Village. Whew! I'm glad that school is out. I might have been around had I not had numerous baseball games and track meets to attend. Our DD runs track and both boys play baseball plus our oldest DS played on a basketball league on Saturday mornings until Memorial Day weekend. It is all worth every moment that I spend sitting watching them develop their athletic abilities, but something had to go in my life and unfortunately it was my blogging activities. BUT I'm back, school is over and summer break started yesterday. YEAH! I love summer.
I did manage to find enough time to make the baskets in this picture. Our sales in the Basket Shop are wonderful. I was a little fearful with the economy the way it has been, but I've been pleasantly surprised by the number of baskets that we've sold. I have developed a medical condition, it's called "Seasonal Carpal Tunnel". I'm sure that some of you have suffered from this condition as well. It's caused by repetitive spraying of stain remover on baseball pants that have red clay and grass ground in all over. My sister did get a kick out of my self diagnosis, I told her just wait a few years as her son is only 4 but will be on the ball fields soon enough.
For posterity purposes I must publish these next 2 photos on my blog. Our oldest son LOVES baseball and will play any position with eagerness, except catcher. His current team is lacking in the catching department and his Coach (affectionately known as Dad) forced him into playing the position. In his 7 years of playing ball he has never before been the catcher, as a proud mother I must say "Good job behind the plate Chewy".
Can't wait to catch up on all your blogs and see the wonderful projects that I know you've all been working on. ~Ann