I can't show you all anything that I've been up to! Why you ask? I have 2 February Birthdays that I'm working on - both birthday gals read my blog so I can't ruin the surprises. Plus I've been working on my Trashy Swap goodies and I don't want to let my partner know what I'm up to so she has a surprise when her package arrives! Thought I'd share one of my collections today. 
This is an inherited collection of spools from both of my grandmothers. I just love to look at these old wooden spools and read the labels and prices! If thread were that inexpensive today it would be great.
I have some tucked into this little round basket in a corner cupboard
and a few in this Mason jar in the corner of the downstairs bathroom
Think of all the stitching that was done with these yards and yards of thread!
My favorite spools are the ones like this one
If you look carefully you will see my maternal grandmother's initials on this one EGL. My mother was an only daughter, but my grandmother labeled all "her" spools so my mother wouldn't walk off with any! My Grandmother was quite the unique person! She taught school - Latin, loved to read Shakespeare and to do crossword puzzles. She was a farmer's wife and had all the responsibilities that came along with that position in the early 1900's. Of course she left teaching for a number of years while raising her family of 3 children, my Mom being the youngest.
My Mom recalls after being married and setting up her own house, that when my Grandmother would visit, she always counted my Mother's silver! (I can't imagine my Mother being that nosey in my house - she's never counted my silver, all she cares about is whether I take care of it, which I do.) I can't believe that my Mother didn't hide a few pieces to see what my Grandmother would say. Mom said it never occurred to her to do that.
Have a wonderful weekend. We have basketball tonight and tomorrow morning at 8 and 10. Then on Sunday night our oldest DS starts indoor baseball in Ft. Wayne. We've never played indoor baseball before so this should be fun. ~Ann